How To Arrange Art On Wall

How To Arrange Art On Wall

Arranging art on a wall is an art form in itself, transforming blank spaces into captivating galleries. Whether you’re decorating a living room, bedroom, or office, mastering the art of arrangement can elevate the entire room’s ambiance. From selecting the right pieces to finding the perfect layout, each step contributes to creating a visually stunning display. Understanding the principles of balance, scale, and cohesion is essential for achieving an arrangement that is both aesthetically pleasing and impactful. Explore various techniques and tips to arrange art on your wall to transform your space into a personal gallery.

Importance of art arrangement in home decor

Art arrangement plays a pivotal role in home decor, acting as a visual anchor that ties together the overall design scheme of a room. Whether showcasing a single statement piece or curating a gallery wall, how art is arranged on the wall can significantly impact the ambiance and personality of the space. Thoughtfully arranged art adds layers of depth and interest to walls, transforming them from mere surfaces into dynamic showcases of creativity and expression. It allows homeowners to infuse their personality and style into their living spaces, creating environments that are both visually stimulating and emotionally resonant.

14 Best Tips On How to Arrange Wall Art

1. Create a Focal Point

One of the key principles of arranging art on a wall is to create a focal point. This can be achieved by selecting a standout piece of artwork that draws the eye and anchors the room’s design. Whether it’s a large painting, a striking photograph, or a unique sculpture, the focal point sets the tone for the entire space and serves as a visual anchor that ties everything together.

2. Place All Furniture First

Before hanging any artwork, it’s important to place all furniture in the room first. This helps determine the layout and placement of the art relative to the furniture, ensuring a balanced and cohesive look. Consider the scale and proportions of both the furniture and the artwork to create a harmonious arrangement that complements the overall design of the room.

3. Decide on Your Layout

Once the furniture is in place, decide on the layout for your wall art. This involves considering factors such as the size and shape of the wall, the number of pieces you want to hang, and the spacing between them. Experiment with different arrangements by laying out the artwork on the floor or using masking tape to outline where each piece will go on the wall. This allows you to visualize the final arrangement and make any adjustments before committing to hanging the art.

4. Choose a Symmetrical or Asymmetrical Arrangement

When arranging art on a wall, you can choose between a symmetrical or asymmetrical arrangement, depending on your personal preference and the style of the room. Symmetrical arrangements involve hanging artwork in a balanced and orderly manner, such as in pairs or a grid pattern. Asymmetrical arrangements, on the other hand, are more dynamic and unconventional, with artwork arranged more organically and spontaneously. Whichever option you choose, aim to create a visually pleasing arrangement that complements the space and adds interest to the walls.

5. Highlight an Odd Number of Art Pieces

When arranging art on a wall, it’s often best to highlight an odd number of pieces. This creates a sense of balance and visual interest, as odd-numbered groupings tend to feel more dynamic and appealing to the eye. Whether it’s three, five, or seven pieces, an odd number creates a natural focal point and allows for more versatile arrangements.

6. Hang the Focal Piece at Eye Level

For the focal piece of your arrangement, be sure to hang it at eye level. This ensures that the artwork is easily visible and creates a comfortable viewing experience for anyone entering the room. Typically, eye level is considered to be around 57 to 60 inches from the floor to the center of the artwork. Adjustments can be made based on the average height of people in the household or the primary viewer of the artwork.

7. Use a Cohesive Color Palette

To achieve a cohesive and harmonious look, consider using a cohesive color palette when arranging art on a wall. This doesn’t mean that all the artwork needs to match perfectly, but rather that there should be a sense of unity and flow among the pieces. Choose colors that complement each other or stick to a specific color scheme that ties the artwork together. This creates a unified and visually appealing arrangement that enhances the overall aesthetic of the room.

8. Hone in on an Art Style

Consider honing in on a specific art style when arranging pieces on a wall. Whether it’s contemporary, abstract, traditional, or eclectic, selecting a cohesive art style helps create a sense of unity and purpose in the arrangement. This doesn’t mean that all the artwork needs to be the same style, but rather that there should be a sense of continuity and coherence among the pieces. Experiment with mixing and matching different styles to create a unique and personalized arrangement that reflects your taste and personality.

9. Consider Mixing and Matching Frames

Mixing and matching frames can add visual interest and depth to your gallery wall arrangement. Instead of using identical frames, consider incorporating a variety of frame styles, materials, and colors. This eclectic approach adds personality and charm to your display, allowing each piece of artwork to stand out while still contributing to the overall cohesion of the arrangement.

10. Add Other Elements to Your Gallery Wall

Enhance your gallery wall by incorporating other elements besides artwork. This could include decorative objects such as mirrors, clocks, or wall sculptures. Mixing in these additional elements adds texture and dimension to your arrangement, creating a dynamic and visually engaging display. Experiment with different combinations to find a balance between artwork and decorative accents that complement the overall aesthetic of your space.

11. Layer Art on a Shelf 

If you’re looking for a creative alternative to traditional wall hanging, consider layering art on a shelf. This approach allows you to showcase artwork in a more casual and relaxed manner, with pieces leaning against the wall rather than being hung. Mix and match artwork of varying sizes and orientations to create visual interest and depth. You can also intersperse other decorative objects and plants among the artwork to add texture and dimension to your display.

12. Use Your Level

When hanging artwork on a wall, using a level is crucial for ensuring that your pieces are straight and aligned. This simple tool helps you achieve a professional-looking arrangement by ensuring that each piece is hung at the correct angle. Place the level horizontally or vertically along the edge of the artwork to check for alignment before securing it to the wall. This ensures that your gallery wall appears neat and organized, enhancing the overall visual appeal of the space.

13. Know Your Wall Material

Understanding the type of wall material you’re working with is essential for hanging artwork safely and securely. Different wall materials, such as drywall, plaster, brick, or concrete, require different hanging techniques and hardware. For example, lightweight artwork may be suitable for hanging directly on drywall using picture hooks or adhesive strips, while heavier pieces may require wall anchors or screws for added support. Knowing your wall material allows you to select the appropriate hardware and hanging methods to ensure that your artwork remains securely in place.

14. Use the Proper Hardware

Using the proper hardware is essential for safely and securely hanging artwork on your wall. Selecting the right hardware depends on factors such as the weight of the artwork, the type of wall material, and the desired hanging method. Common hardware options include picture hooks, wall anchors, screws, nails, and adhesive strips. Choose hardware that is appropriate for the weight and size of your artwork and follow the manufacturer’s instructions for installation. Using the proper hardware ensures that your artwork remains securely in place and reduces the risk of damage to your walls.


Arranging art on a wall is an art form that requires careful consideration of various factors, from selecting the right pieces to determining the optimal layout and placement. By following these guidelines, you can create a visually stunning arrangement that enhances the ambiance and personality of your space. Whether you’re creating a focal point above a bed or curating a gallery wall in your living room, thoughtful arrangement of art adds depth, character, and visual interest to any room. With creativity, patience, and attention to detail, you can transform your walls into captivating showcases of personal style and expression.

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